
I write because I seek light in the sea of darkness.

The darkness is pain. The darkness is suffering. The darkness is failure. The darkness is fear. The darkness is hopelessness.

This darkness represents the realities of life. It is not negative. It is not a bleak outlook on life. It is what it is. It is the darkness that exists in the sea.

The sea is the world. The sea is oneself.

And the deeper one goes within the sea, the darker it gets. Old darkness long forgotten or desperately ignored to be handled for some other day.

The darkness we are often afraid to face.

But within this sea of darkness, there exists a light.

It might not be much light. It might only drive away a tiny portion of darkness. It might waver at the smallest of movements. But there is a light.

And this light burns no matter the vastness of this darkness.

That light is hope. That light is faith. That light is peace. That light is happiness. That light is courage. That light is patience. That light is resilience. That light is the inherent goodness within a human being.

I write because I seek that light. I seek it within me, within you and within the sea of endless darkness.

Through what I write, I hope someone finds the light like I do.

And if you are reading this, I hope it helps you to seek that light and beat the darkness on most days.
