
If you feel stressed out, breathe. It will help you calm your nerves.

If you are anxious about the uncertainty of the future, breathe. It will help you relax and slowly let go of the things that are beyond your control.

If you are beating yourself up for your past mistakes, breathe. It will help you to pause the hurtful thinking and begin the process of forgiving yourself.

If you feel overwhelmed, breathe. It will help you to stop, calm yourself, and then begin again, one task at a time.

If you don’t like yourself, breathe. You can’t think rationally when you are emotional. The mind will only obsess on the things you messed up. Breathing will help you to take a pause and come out of the emotional turbulence.

Breathe. Slowly.

Inhale. Feel the air moving in your body.

Notice the little space of time between the breaths — the space where you are at peace.

Exhale. Feel the air being released from your body.

Notice again that space of time between the breaths — Peace.


This method won’t take away your problems. But it will slowly help you to reach a state where you can handle them at your best.

Breathe and be in the now. The past is gone and the future is yet to come. All life is, is a string of ‘Now’.

Breathe and live a little.

You are doing great.